Jul 5Liked by Suzanna de Baca

That photo is chilling. I had no idea that was ever done. We always put our hands over our hearts. I believe in first grade we also sang "America," but I don't remember doing that later. This was an informative poem. And yes, you can call it a poem. So much experimentation is going on in the poetry world anymore.

I was thinking about the flag today, for obvious reasons, and it bothers me that I don't feel comfortable flying one. That is because the US flag is now being used by radical groups to push a dangerous agenda down our throats. That makes me downright mad. I feel like they've taken a piece of my America away from me.

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I had never seen that photo either. Chilling is the right word. Flags and symbols are so powerful. I am proud of the American flag, and I understand your point. The "Don't Tread on Me," or Gadsden flag with the coiled snake has now become a favorite among groups who oppose what they see as government overreach. I see it on bumper stickers on pickups in my town and I wonder if the owners understand its origins in pre-Revolutionary War times. That symbol is also used to promote U.S. Soccer and streetwear. So the question is: How do we decide what that flag, or any symbol, really means? How does the meaning evolve? How are symbol used to pledge loyalty or to coerce? What happens when symbols are appropriated. Perhaps many poems will emerge from this discussion.

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We in a rural school in the mountains of Wyoming stood by our desks and saluted the American flag with 48 stars each morning as we said the Pledge or Allegiance without knowing what allegiance meant but with proud intention. We also sang the song, America. I remember when we learned that President Eisenhower added "under God" to the pledge and that was fine with us.

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So interesting. As kids we just recited it without really understanding. I don’t remember any songs.

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Jul 4Liked by Suzanna de Baca

Thanks for the history lesson. I have read about the origin of the pledge before, but I was not aware of the Bellamy salute.

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The photo is alarming. How interesting that gestures can carry such weight.

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Jul 4Liked by Suzanna de Baca

Thank you. A great history. I have personally found the pledge problematic for a long time. I often do not feel “allegiance” to the official undertakings of this country and “under God” is problematic.

I lived in post WWII Germany on several occasions, and these times scare me.

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Thank you, Elizabeth. I appreciate your comment and reflection on your experiences.

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Your poetry provides promise, when you support the values of our democracy. "Like many people, I have spent a lot of time recently thinking about how one truly understands and interprets history, the original intention of our nation and states’ founders, '

Steve Bechloss has a substack--America, America, which I recommend. Today, his substack complements your poem.:https://www.americaamerica.news/p/an-independence-day-reflection?r=9e9e3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Just as you borrowed on history, Steve used 'originalist' history to educate America of George Washington's warnings of threat to democracy. I confess I am uncomfortable to give any support to originalist theory, given what the Trump Court has done.

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THank you so much, Ralph. I really appreciate your kind words. I am glad this poem (whatever it is) provides promise. Thank you for the recommendation on the substance site.

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Suzanna ... this was wonderful ... our history is not as simple as some would have us believe. Thank you.

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Thank you, Mary. No, it is all really ever-changing and often strange. I noted the sponsorships involved in this flag history too.

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Jul 4Liked by Suzanna de Baca

Thank you, Suzanna, this is a great reminder in our troubling times.

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Thank you, Ardyth. Always good to hear from you.

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Jul 4Liked by Suzanna de Baca

Thank you, Suzanna.

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Thanks, Kathi. Your continued support means a lot.

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